
Continuous Line and Squiggle Drawing

First Homeschool Art Class of Term 3

Play along at home! Start with a texta squiggle, then use your imagination to turn it into something. It could be a figure/monster/plant… anything! Don’t use too many colours (only 2 or 3) and think about adding shadows to increase depth.

Next, look at your friend’s face in-front of you and put your pen/texta to the paper. Start with the nose and work your way out. Try not to look at your paper at all, but if you peek that’s okay. Have a giggle as you share your wonky face with your friend and then add of any extra details you like with other colours. Repeat this several times with your non-dominant hand and differing levels of peeking.

Have fun! Don’t forget to share your artworks with me.

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